Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Spring Pitcher

DH and I celebrated our anniversary earlier (number eight) on in November, so I of course took the opportunity to run loose in Produce Junction and blow $20 on flowers. I ended up with white and purple mini calas, yellow fresia, pink roses, white cream lisianthus, green button mums, and varigated carnations. The colors kept making me think of spring. I made 1 arrangment for home, and one for the welcome center, and I'll be comparing them below.

Pitcher 1.
Pitcher 2.

When I first arranged pitcher 1, it was instead in a vase, although now I forget which one it was. However, I got to a point where no more flowers would fit, and I had too many left over, so out came the pitcher (a lovely gift from DMIL several years ago). It fit perfectly, and the arrangement looked really nice. I must admit, that one does look better. The second pitcher, generously donated by my mother, as there are no others in my cabinet yet, was done the next day, at church. Of course I forgot to put in all the larger stems first, as was discovered in doing the first one, but it still looks lovely, oesn't it? The first one is larger, so I think that's why the flowers have a better shape, or may I just cut less at the same height for the second one. I clearly placed theroses much lower, and then tucked many things around the bottom edge.

Pitcher 2.
Pitcher 1.

So I couldn't get these two pictures to match more than they are, I hope they're big enough. Anyway, you can definitely tell the structure is based on different flowers in each one--the roses, and the fresia. But they're both pleasing, I think. Same flowers, very different look as far as color and visibility.  The lisianthus buds are much more fisible in the second one, and the paler colors are kind of nice against the deep purple on the calas. Which one do you like better? Feel free to comment!

Up next: The Garden Rose

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